Monday, September 28, 2009

A Few Good Tips for the Struggling Writer

1. Hang with your writer buddies. I have a surprisingly large amount of friends who also like to write - well, maybe not too surprising since I met them mostly through writer's groups and conferences - and they are always great for a self esteem boost. After all, they know the ups and downs, they've lived them, they've been there, man. Plus, you have a bunch of ready made volunteers who are eager (at least willing) to read your work. Just don't only talk about writing with them, or they'll think you're using them.**

2. Look back over your old work. Wait, scratch that. First, save your old work, even if it is horrendous. Second, read it again years later and savor the improvements.

3. Start a blog. Then you'll be writing on a (supposedly) more regular basis and that will remind you that you have other things you're supposed to be writing and then you will procrastinate on your personal writing and then you'll work on your blog ... It's the whole "If you give a mouse a cookie" syndrome. Okay, maybe not, but that was fun to write. Actually, some of you might accuse me of being just as lax in my blog updates as I am in my story writing, and that is true of late, but I have an excuse. I've been meaning to scan something in to post here and didn't want to bother with digging it out. See, I was thinking about some old stories I found and how they made me laugh out loud and how I should share them on this blog. Remember tip #2, looking back at old work? Ah, it all ties together now. Anyway, I'll be scanning those pages in and posting them tonight. Enjoy!

** I have to give a special accolades here to some of my friends who have been constructively supportive of my writing by reading whatever I throw at them and supplying me with comments. Melanie, who is a busy college professor but always reads my work, and Anne Loving (I mean Lilly) who is an editor without being paid as one. Seriously, her page by page comments are priceless and wise and a tremendous help. Much thanks, chicas!

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