Monday, September 12, 2011

Writing with Children

I have been valiantly attempting to restart my personal writing lately. Considering all the interruptions I have from my children, part-time work, planning for vacation (which is a complete time drain but I love doing it), performing my various responsibilities at church, and trying to keep the house reasonably clean and functioning, I don't get as much time as I would like.

Let's see, two sentences a week and I should have my book finished in about ... two thousand years. Seriously, it feels like it will take me that long to finish any piece of writing again.

My mom was consoling me recently. She told me that this is a season, and once the girls are older, I can start committing to my art again. I know that is true, but I feel like this time of diapers and constant attention and unending needs is going to stretch forever. Lest you think I am a heartless parent, I also will admit that the thought of sending my Aubrey girl to kindergarten breaks my heart. I don't want my girls to grow up and start school! I love the sweet baby and toddler age. I just wish I could grab two hours every day to write, and not two hours comprised of ten minutes here, ten minutes there, whenever the girls are distracted; no, two solid hours when I feel ready to write and am motivated, and have no little hands trying to grab the laptop away from me. Right. I guess a lot of people would like two solid hours of prime work time every day, regardless of children.

What it boils down to is this - how badly do I want it? Because I do have free time. Generally, that time is filled with: internet, reading, or television. I love my writing, but it's not as easy as clicking on a show and flopping on the couch for an hour. To be fair, the girls are unnaturally curious about my laptop. Every time I pull my computer out, their hands are all over it. My writing time really does have to happen when they are asleep or being watched by someone else, and that is not a regularly occurring phenomenon. Nonetheless, I could carve out more writing time if I tried. Hitting daddy up to watch the girls once a week, for instance, or begging family to spend a little more time with their grandkids. I will get some sort of schedule hammered out, some day. I will. Maybe after we get back from vacation.